Experience the power of purchasing on iOPharma to discover thousands of products and suppliers; but don’t just source… Transact, negotiate and process all purchase activities end-to-end to industry standards.
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Used by a growing community of buyers and suppliers and their products, iOPharma™ collapses the time and cost to source, negotiate, order and receive products through traditional channels. With iOPharma™ transactions are initiated, completed and confirmed in a matter of minutes instead of days. Activity tracking, documents, and reports are all just a click away
iOPharma™ handles thousands of transactions every year, providing a secure, efficient and cost-effective platform for buying and supplying. iOPharma™ will not only save you time and money but will empower you to focus more on your business and less on the processes within your business
Having piloted and tried iOPharma we are considering integrating it into our own ERP system later this year. We are confident that iOPharma can be an important tool to promote our range of products to pharmaceutical producers as well as our existing buyers keeping them advised of changes to our product list. Just as important to us is that iOPharma can help maintain the thread and integrity of communication between us and our buyers reducing errors time and costs.
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