Dr Thomas Burkhalter – Vice-President Corporate Affairs

Dr Thomas Burkhalter

Thomas Burkhalter is both a university lecturer in industry compliance, corporate governance and regulatory affairs with a major focus on the pharmaceutical and logistics industries, as well as being the managing partner of a corporate law firm in Zurich/Switzerland. He obtained a PhD in Law from the university of Basle, followed by a master’s degree in international business law from Oxford university in the UK (with distinction). With professional links to Switzerland and Germany’s pharmaceutical industry, Thomas gained extensive expertise in current global pharma compliance requirements and the implementation of respective tools and structures based on GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and the complex legal challenges that the industry is increasingly confronted with.  He is a regular guest and speaker at international conferences, expert forums and webinars covering his areas of expertise.  In his capacity as vice president of the board of directors, Thomas is also a link to the world’s leading associations in pharma, logistics and other associated industries.


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